Communication is life. That may sound strange but it is true. While you are in the womb your mother and father talk to you everyday. They tell you how much they love you and how perfect you are going to be. At sixteen weeks gestation you start hearing these sounds and begin to kick and turn and that's how you communicate with your parents. Once you are born you cry to make sure your needs are met and your parents talk to you everyday telling you are beautiful and smart you are. These are just some examples of communication. These are just some examples of life.
A top essential when communicating is being able to reduce nervousness, apprehension, and speaking anxiety. I have not mastered this skill and that is partially the reason I am taking an online oral, interpersonal class. Every time I talk in front of a crowd I feel sweat build up on my forehead, my ears begin to burn and my face become warm and red. Every time this happens I see people noticing and whispering to others about how red I am. I try to hide it by faking a yawn or looking away but it's already too late, my stage freight was noticed. Mastering this skill will help me be a more effective speaker in the end because I will not be nervous about being nervous and may put an end to my forgetfulness when I am speaking.
Another essential when communicating would be effectively using gestures, body language and eye contact. While speaking you may nervously swing your arms on sway back and forth. People do notice those actions and it could make it harder for people to get the full message because they are distracted by your movements and gestures. Eye contact is also an essential because it shows the audience that you are speaking to them not just the top of their heads or what type of shoes they have. Using consistent body language with what you are talking about is also a huge factor. If you are talking about a very happy, positive time in your life yet you look like you are about to fall asleep people may misinterpret what you are saying.
Lastly an essential while communicating would be researching information for a group discussion or presentation. This is essential because it will help make speaking more natural and will ease some of the stress while speaking to others. The reason it will make it easier is because you will know what you are talking about and feel confident. You will feel confident because that is your specialty, you are the expert on the topic. I was a procrastinator in High School when I took my speech class and I would finish my speeches the day before it was due so I had to stay up all night and reread my note cards until I felt like I knew everything. That was stressful enough, let alone adding on public speaking in 8 hours.
As of the moment I plan on becoming the owner of the next five star daycare in Wisconsin Rapids, which will definitely take time and a lot of money. Once I start my process of owning a daycare I will meet with many people including bankers, parents, future employees, sponsors and many more. I will need to have an intensive business plan drawn up and know exactly what I want to get where I want. I will need to learn to be confident and educated on every aspect of owning a business. This will help ease my stage freight and possibly get rid of my red face syndrome, it is not an actual thing just trying to be funny. I will need to use proper gestures, eye contact and body language when speaking to the people that will help make my dream become a reality. During this course I plan to further my writing and speaking skills so my dream is more realistic and easier to go after.
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